Marci Lorena Bayona originally from Colombia, lives in Belgium since 2008. She is happily married and the mother of two girls aged 6 and 4.
Her passion for photography was born when she was still studying Tourism and Administration at her University, in Duitama, Colombia. Her camera accompanied her to all university travels around Colombia. However, it was when her first daughter was born that her enthusiasm for photography became even more intense as she found herself taking pictures every day. It was during the morning strolls pushing her daughter’s pram that her passion for photographing landscapes surged. On her trips to places like China, India, United States, Nepal, and other countries, landscapes and nature have been the predominant theme.
Bayona has won 4 photography contests in Belgium. In France she won the second prize of the Tourist Office of Saint Briac Sur Mer, in 2015. She has participated for the last two years at the Annual Exhibition of Artists of Woluwé-Saint-Pierre.
"I love photography because it is a means that allows me to capture the beauty of things and people at a moment that for me is perfect, unique and even magical as it doesn’t last long. That’s why I want to immortalize and keep this moment forever, and thus give the opportunity to other people around the world to enjoy it”.
Marci Lorena Bayona